Saturday, July 11, 2009

diving in

Well, I have officially been here a day, and I must admit my entry day was pretty intense. I did get to sleep in a wee bit, so that was pleasant. This afternoon, though, I got to head down to the Steeple, which is where Hot Chocolate is located, and work this afternoon. Well, I guess I wouldn't really say work... more like get an introduction to what I've gotten myself into. But this has all been quite a quick intro for me. Today, I walked to the Steeple... by myself! That was quite an adventure. I got to take myself on a tour of Dundee and see what it looks like during my 20 minute walk. Overall, the people seem pretty nice here. And I've been told it's pretty relatively safe, so that should comfort anyone who might be a wee concerned. I will say my highlight of the journey was finding a tattoo shop that sold "American" tattooes. I'm not sure what the difference between an American tattoo and everyone else's is, but this shop has it. It was even called Yankee Tattooes. Pretty sweet. Maybe I should stop in and a get a big American eagle holding a flag across my back....... Or not.

Anywho, Hot Chocolate is looking to be pretty sweet. It's a very laid back sort of place and very interested in getting to know the students as who they are. And there's no pressure to beat them up and chastise them and force them to make changes. It's more of a building of relationship with them, and through that bringing change to their lives. For example, after a session (opening up of the facility for the day) the team meets and discusses what types of conversations we had, were there any problems, and what changes we have seen in people. I suppose I should describe a session for you all. What it is, as far as I know, is the facility is opened up for 12-21 year olds in the city. They can simply drop by any time they want. As they enter, there's a table where they can get a cup of hot chocolate made for them (thus the name). They can then head upstairs, where there is a room for chilling. It has tables, chairs, couches, phooseball, pool and guitars available for use. There's also a music room that they can use, but that's closed at the moment. But the kids end up gathering around and we can go in and talk with them and hang out. I must admit, I'm getting pretty excited for working here. The people and ministry seem great.

Today was a wee bit rough for me in that I didn't know anyone. They were all fine with me being there, but I'm not a part of their circle yet. They don't know me, so I wasn't really addressed all that much. But that's ok. I wasn't that talkative either. I did a lot of listening and trying to learn about stuff and the people. But over time I hope to get in a really engage the kids and become integrated into their circle. Fortunately, Exodus is starting soon. It's a 3 week period where we have sessions, lessons, art projects, music, hanging out, and trips taking place. It should be intense, but it sounds like it should be grand and hopefully I'll get to know a few peeps through it.

As for my living situation, I'm currently staying in the living room of one of the workers. It's only for a week though. I'm then moving in with some other volunteers for Exodus and staying with them during those 3 weeks. After that, there's a hope that I can move in with a guy in his flat. As of right now, though, it's only about a 90% sure thing. We aren't sure if he's really going to be in the flat. But if he does, I hear the rent should be cheaper than most places. So, that's encouraging. I'm praying that it works out.

So yeah... That's my life right now. I go to church tomorrow, which is exciting. And then Monday, my day off, I'm meeting up with Andy (one of the workers here) and he's taking me on a tour of the area. So, that should be exciting. I'm excited to see some of the area. I think I'm going to have to suck up my pride and look like a tourist for a bit so I can carry my camera around and get some pictures. This place looks pretty sweet. I mean, right next door is a high school for the city, and it, by description of the people I'm living with, looks like Hogwarts. That should makes sense to some of you... But it does look like an old castle type building. And it's their school! I wish I could have gone to school in a castle. That should be the next dorm style at Huntington... old English castle. I'm just sayin... And finally Tuesday, I dive full in to work here. Should be exciting.

Well, I realize this got a bit long for you, but I wanted to share. If you read this far, congrats to you. Thanks again all for your support and prayers! And please keep them coming. I covet them greatly. God is definitely moving here, and it's exciting to see. For now, I shall finish off with some prayer requests on my part.

-relationships to start and develop with the students (this is a... rougher... crowd than I'm use to, but it's good to be plucked out of my comfort zone. I just need God to help me connect into their world and to be able to speak into it.)
-housing, this flat thing in a month sounds great, but continue to pray that God places me right where I need to be
-finances, things are a bit more expensive here, so pray that God continues to be the provider of all my finacial needs

Thanks so much all for your love and support!

Cheers and Blessings!


Anonymous said...

love you buddy.

Amber said...

so exciting, the ministry there really sounds super awesome :)
I'm certainly praying for all that goes on, Exodus should be super good, when does that start? What will your "working" days look like, such as Tuesday when you start there, I suppose you wont know till then eh? hmm, well I hope it goes great... I can't wait to talk to you.. I miss you quite a bit here.... :)

p.s. I noticed you said 'wee' and 'grand' and that made me smile :)

John Haynes said...

I love you too. Reading that made me smile. The ministry at Hot Chocolate sounds awesome and I can't wait to hear how God uses you there. And I also enjoyed your use of "wee".

Mom & Dad said...

Your dad just said he has a belt sander for the tattoo -
If the Eagle has landed,
Watch out to be sanded.