Sunday, May 10, 2009

Looking at Finality

It's that time of year again. The semester is drawing to a close and I'm beginning to once more wrap up the different areas in my life. I've finished off this semester of classes and all I have left to do is finals. Well, I guess I should say it correctly. All I have left is a final. It's a beautiful thing only having to worry about one test this time around. It sure makes it easy on my stress level. But, life usually takes this type of spin around this time of year. This current chapter of the book that is my life draws to a close and I begin to turn the page to the next.

Yet, life has decided not to quite treat me the same. As I look for some closure and wrapping up in my life, I'm finding it full of loose ends and uncertainty. Yes, the school year draws to a close. That is one thing which is for certain. But, there are some things which I just have no control over and I'm stuck simply holding on for dear life.

The primary example of this in my life is PRIME. I still haven't heard back from Scotland yet about the sponsorship license. They are to be getting that any time now. And I kinda need that to start in on my visa application. And I need time for that so I can make my departure time. Talk about just sitting around and waiting... I feel like that's all I've been able to do for the past 6 weeks or so. It gets frustrating having to wait and being unable to do nothing. Yet, I am keeping up my faith. So far things have come together miraculously. Because of that, I just have to trust that He will bring it all together. With that in mind, I shall simply wait. And continue to wait until I see Him provide the next step.

Another thing I am watching slowly flow away from me is this time of my life. These past few years of college have been amazing. I have truly grown during this time of my life. I've been able to make amazing friends, make special relationships with people and come to critically look at myself and the thoughts which are presented to me. To be honest, I have not always been the most critical thinker around. Shoot, I was probably on the other spectrum when it came to things like that. But, through the classes, profs and relationships I have had, I have learned what it means to think about my life. This has certainly worked to open my mind up to growth, maturity and wisdom. I still have a long way to go, but looking at the steps I've taken down the path of life, I'm at peace with where I am going.

To sum up my current standing in life right now, I am encouraged with where I am at. Sure, I don't know what's going on all the time. Sure, at times I feel completely out of control. Sure, I don't have a clue what tomorrow will be flopping on my plate. But, I am okay with that. I've reached a point where I don't need to know. What I do know is that things are great. I've been learning and growing so much in my life. I've got amazing friends surrounding me. This past semester has seen restoration and renewal in a specific relationship of mine, which brings me great joy to have seen happen. And I am encouraged by what little I can see in my future. Shoot, going to Scotland should get most people happy with life. They have kilts there, you know.... With all of these things in my mind to encourage me, I think I can continue to trek on with my life. And who knows....maybe I too will find a kilt along the path I tread... you never know.........

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