Monday, August 30, 2010

A Nice, Easy Morning

I've got my nice bowl of Lucky Charms going this morning and some time to spare before heading in to work, so I thought I would take some time to relax and do some blogging, especially since it's been quite some time since I've been able to write.

Man, things have certainly been fast-paced recently. There's been training for the past few weeks, and this past weekend was move-in with all of the students. The atmosphere of the campus has certainly changed. For some reason have around 1000 students arrive does that... I've also started my grad classes. And here I thought I would be done with homework. Ha. Overall, things have been amazingly good. The team of RAs are amazing. The group of students have been fun and for the most part engaging with the activities going on around campus. Dude! Saturday night, GCU bought a water park out here for the evening. That was such a fun time hanging out with students and simply playing in a pretty sweet water park. And the scenery only made it better. Phoenix had a rather big storm move through the area (we passed a car that had a decent sized limb on it) and the clouds were still hanging around. The park itself was clear, but almost all the way around it there were thunder clouds. Lightning kept lighting up the clouds and the mountains around the area. Simple put: breathtaking.

So yeah... things here are definitely picking up. This week should see me settling into my "normal" routine with everything. Even in the midst of all of this busyness, I'm still finding myself standing in awe of how God continues to move. The level of passion for Him in the student leaders here is humbling. The scope of blessing in my life has left me speechless. I don't know how to thank Him for everything He has done. Even when I doubted and wanted to throw my hands up in frustration, He continues to provide. My desire now is to find a way in which to give back. He has provided all of this for me. How can I now turn this blessing back to Him, pouring it out on those around me? This is what I desire. I want to see Him glorified through what I say and do here. I don't want to simply sit on this blessing and keep it to myself.

Anyway, there's my little update for the time. Hopefully I'll have more opportunities to write now that training is over.

Blessings, my friends.

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