Monday, April 25, 2011

Jumpstart to the System

After a bit of a hiatus from the blogging world, I have decided to make a comeback. I have to admit, I've missed writing on here on a regular basis. Since I have some time before work, I've decided to heat up some tea, sit down at my computer, put on some relaxing music, and write away once more.

I'm discovering something about myself. I obey the laws of physics. Specifically, I obey Newton's first law fairly well. Newton's little insight into the world goes something like this. "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion." A perfect example of this would be me sitting on a tube being dragged behind a boat last weekend. Even when the tube and myself decided to have an untimely parting between us, I decided it would be fun to continue in my pursuits, thus resulting in my skipping across the water like a rock thrown by a 9-year-old boy. But this isn't quite the idea I wanted to go with here.

This past weekend, I ended up having the joy of a 3 day break in the schedule. It was glorious. I was able to take a break and relax. I had nothing set on my schedule and could do whatever I wanted. Thursday night I had many glorious ideas for the possibilities of the weekend. Reading, working on some artwork, doing some housekeeping, going and paying a visit to my estranged friend "Gym"... I had some great plans. And then suddenly it was Sunday night. As I looked back on the weekend, I had no idea where it went. Most of plans went by the wayside. I ended up spending most of my weekend vegging out in front of the tube. Sure, I did hang out with some friends and what not. But in the pie chart that is my life, the big piece was vegging.

While it was relaxing and, spoiler alert, I got some achievements with my video game scores, I realized something. This weekend could have been so much more. But instead I allowed myself to follow suit with Newton's little thought. I was an object at rest and this object stayed at rest. Now, I easily realize we can get into a glorious debate on how rest is needed or a person needs to be productive with their time. That is not what I'm going at here. I'm being selfish and talking about myself right now. So there.

No, I have realized something about myself. I need to discipline myself. I need to set goals AND THEN follow through with them. I so easily fall into the trap of simply coasting through life, letting things come and go as they will. And what is sad is this is where my relationship with Christ has been heading. I let things come and go as they will. It hasn't been an active pursuit for a while now. And this disturbs me. How have I let things come to this? How is it that I expect to grow and meet with Him when I am sitting on my butt and doing nothing? Jesus demands active pursuit. It is high time I start giving Him that.

So yeah... this is my glorious rebirth back into the world of blogging. I suppose this fits in with my idea of needing more discipline in my life. I let this baby fall by the wayside because I was "too comfortable" doing my traditional little things. While I will continue to not be a full out planner, seeking to fill every moment of every day with some meaningful activity, (let's be serious here. I enjoy seeking meaningless high scores way too much) I do want to get myself into some healthy habits of spending my time in meaningful, productive ways. With a free summer coming up, I seriously need to get this discipline thing on track...


Amber said...

I have to say I really appreciated this blog post. Honestly, this is exactly how I have been feeling lately. Every chance I get to have a break, I fill it with relaxing in front of the tv and/or the computer. Thank you for your reminder of what God asks of us- to actively pursue Him... a great and wonderfully needed reminder it is. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Free summer you say? Want to do something meaningful and productive you say?

Exodus email on its way... hehe

Beth said...

love to read your thoughts, not quite as good as talking in person, but you chachi...