Well, things seem to be going well here in Dundee. Exodus is going swimmingly, even though our plans are regularly struck down by the circumstances we find ourselves in. But that is the nature of the ministry, I suppose. But things are going great. I am getting used to the city, which is nice. I am feeling like I know my way around and get from one place to another. This probably means I'll be getting dropped in the middle of some place I haven't been yet and I'll have to find my way home again. For now, though, I am good.
Exodus, though, is going good. I have met lots of people and am slowly building relationships with them. I am still feeling wishing for more meaningful conversations, though. But, they will come. I am still getting used to this place. I mean, shoot, I have only been here for 2 1/2 weeks. I'm still adjusting. I am also told that there are many new faces being seen at the Steeple (where Hot Chocolate is located). This of course means these groups are bit more closed off to talking with volunteers. But it is exciting to have them there and to begin seeing them regularly.
Oh man.... I think I'll share this with you. Tonight has been a pleasant night. As I do some writing/ journaling, I have some great tunes playing. Things such as Josh Garrels, Iron and Wine, The Weepies, Over the Rhine and even Kyle Scott (friend of Beth's). It has been a good thing.
I feel that I am beginning to get a bit of insight into myself with the ministry happening here. I suppose that's a good thing, since that's one of the points of prime... But I am beginning to see how independent I have become. I feel like I haven't been really connecting with the young people, so I've been getting frustrated with my efforts. And that's when it hit me, like a 2x4 right between the eyes. It has been my efforts. I have been the one trying to connect and strike up conversations. Yet, especially in the nature of this relationship based ministry, I cannot do this myself. I need to let God be the one in complete control of all that I do. I need to learn to become even more flexible and attuned to the Spirit. His guiding will be what creates the connections here, not the efforts in my own strength. I need to become more dependent on He who is stronger.
Now, the thing is, this is easier said than done. There's a lot that needs to get worked out of my system. I like to be in control of myself. But I can't do that here. I need to be reliant on those around me and even more so with Him. So there's my kinda work-in-progress with myself. But seeing growth and being able to work towards it now is good. And it's encouraging because I am working in a place of hope and change. Yes, there is a great hardness in the people we work with. But there is also a great hope to be found and change is constantly happening. I just need to remember that I too need to be changing and growing. It does seem like by choosing to become dependent I will be giving away my freedom. But, I'm learning that independence may not always be the best thing. True freedom can be found when I have made myself dependent on God. And that is a freedom worth striving for.
For now, some prayer requests from me are:
-Exodus. things are going great. pray that they continue.
-continued growth and a willingness to change on my part.
-housing. i'm meeting my two possible flatmates this coming weekend. pray for wisdom and clarity on which place will be best for me.
Much love, all.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Down to Business...
So, I realize that my last post color was a little rough. The red just made it seem angry. So, I'm trying out the purple. Maybe that will make things seem calmer.
Well, I've finished my first week here in Dundee. And it's been a good week. I've gotten to know a bit of my way around both the city and Hot Chocolate. I feel that I'm slowly starting to find my place, and I'm getting know some of the people here. Which is good. I've moved out of my original living arrangements. Now I'm in a flat with 3 other people. We are volunteers for the upcoming event, Exodus. So, for the next 3 weeks we will be living and working with each other. So far things are pretty good. I'm enjoying getting to know and hang out with these peeps. So there's a big blessing from God.
I don't know if I've actually mentioned Exodus before... or at least properly described it. Exodus is Hot Chocolate's major summer event. It lasts for 3 weeks and is basically and intensive time of working with and building relationships with the young people. My day runs from about 10 am to 10 pm. During the day, we have the church open for the young people to hang out in and use the facilities. We also have some major projects going on, such as art projects, lessons from people on how to do art, music writing, video editing and even dj-ing. And there are periodically trips that we take students out on, such as go-karting, bowling, laser tag, watersports, and other such things. Overall it is just a really really fun time. I'm excited for it, but I'm going to be so stinkin tired every day.
Even in the midst of this coming exhaustion, I am excited to see what God has in store. So far He has been so good to me, putting me in this place and with these amazing people. I'm already learning a lot from them and I look forward to the future lessons I will be getting. I've learned a lot on how to carry out ministry with young people, especially those that have been hurt by society and cast aside as hopeless. Yet, God has not cast them aside. He still values them and He seeks to have that relationship with them. It's astounds me to look at these young people, some of the roughest people you can think of, and think of the potential that each of them possesses. They just need someone to build that relationship with them and to show them the love of Christ. And I get the joy and privilege of doing that very thing for the next 6 months.
Another thing I've recently learned is how much I need to get out of my ethnocentric bubble. In the States, I must admit that I always considered the U.S. as being the world leaders for youth ministry (and many other things) and coming up with ideas. But I've had that idea greatly challenged, even though its only been a week. After talking with some of the people here, I've come to realize that the States are a bit behind in terms of culture. Europe and the UK are very much a post-modern, post-Christiandom culture (especially the youth that we work with specifically) Because of this, different approaches to ministry must be taken. Back home, the youth have not gotten quite as bad as they are here, but they are starting down this path and will become much like the youth here. This has been the pattern throughout history. It's how the cultures travel and exchange with each other. So, it's been great to learn here ideas and practices which can be used in ministry in the States... or where ever I might find myself. I realize that I have touched on a lot things in this little section, much of wish can be dug into deeper. And I would love to, but sadly now is not the time. It's after midnight, I'm a bit tired, not sure exactly what I am saying and I have to get up tomorrow to start Exodus. But yeah, hopefully as time goes on I will have some better and more mature thoughts to share. I am growing and maturing through all this, as I should be.
Things are getting busy for me. But it's a good busy. I'm excited to see what all God has in store over the next 3 weeks. I'll hopefully be able to blog again at some point... maybe on one of my days off. And thanks again for all your support, my friends. If you would remember to continue to pray for me with housing, that would be great. I think things have finally gotten worked out. I might even have some options. But price is still a bit of an issue and I don't have a lot of money to go around. So pray for the right place to come forward and for provision to continue to happen. And pray for Exodus. That students' lives will be touched, that change and growth will happen, and that the team (including myself) will have the energy to keep up with all the young people coming in.
Cheers and Blessings All!!!
Well, I've finished my first week here in Dundee. And it's been a good week. I've gotten to know a bit of my way around both the city and Hot Chocolate. I feel that I'm slowly starting to find my place, and I'm getting know some of the people here. Which is good. I've moved out of my original living arrangements. Now I'm in a flat with 3 other people. We are volunteers for the upcoming event, Exodus. So, for the next 3 weeks we will be living and working with each other. So far things are pretty good. I'm enjoying getting to know and hang out with these peeps. So there's a big blessing from God.
I don't know if I've actually mentioned Exodus before... or at least properly described it. Exodus is Hot Chocolate's major summer event. It lasts for 3 weeks and is basically and intensive time of working with and building relationships with the young people. My day runs from about 10 am to 10 pm. During the day, we have the church open for the young people to hang out in and use the facilities. We also have some major projects going on, such as art projects, lessons from people on how to do art, music writing, video editing and even dj-ing. And there are periodically trips that we take students out on, such as go-karting, bowling, laser tag, watersports, and other such things. Overall it is just a really really fun time. I'm excited for it, but I'm going to be so stinkin tired every day.
Even in the midst of this coming exhaustion, I am excited to see what God has in store. So far He has been so good to me, putting me in this place and with these amazing people. I'm already learning a lot from them and I look forward to the future lessons I will be getting. I've learned a lot on how to carry out ministry with young people, especially those that have been hurt by society and cast aside as hopeless. Yet, God has not cast them aside. He still values them and He seeks to have that relationship with them. It's astounds me to look at these young people, some of the roughest people you can think of, and think of the potential that each of them possesses. They just need someone to build that relationship with them and to show them the love of Christ. And I get the joy and privilege of doing that very thing for the next 6 months.
Another thing I've recently learned is how much I need to get out of my ethnocentric bubble. In the States, I must admit that I always considered the U.S. as being the world leaders for youth ministry (and many other things) and coming up with ideas. But I've had that idea greatly challenged, even though its only been a week. After talking with some of the people here, I've come to realize that the States are a bit behind in terms of culture. Europe and the UK are very much a post-modern, post-Christiandom culture (especially the youth that we work with specifically) Because of this, different approaches to ministry must be taken. Back home, the youth have not gotten quite as bad as they are here, but they are starting down this path and will become much like the youth here. This has been the pattern throughout history. It's how the cultures travel and exchange with each other. So, it's been great to learn here ideas and practices which can be used in ministry in the States... or where ever I might find myself. I realize that I have touched on a lot things in this little section, much of wish can be dug into deeper. And I would love to, but sadly now is not the time. It's after midnight, I'm a bit tired, not sure exactly what I am saying and I have to get up tomorrow to start Exodus. But yeah, hopefully as time goes on I will have some better and more mature thoughts to share. I am growing and maturing through all this, as I should be.
Things are getting busy for me. But it's a good busy. I'm excited to see what all God has in store over the next 3 weeks. I'll hopefully be able to blog again at some point... maybe on one of my days off. And thanks again for all your support, my friends. If you would remember to continue to pray for me with housing, that would be great. I think things have finally gotten worked out. I might even have some options. But price is still a bit of an issue and I don't have a lot of money to go around. So pray for the right place to come forward and for provision to continue to happen. And pray for Exodus. That students' lives will be touched, that change and growth will happen, and that the team (including myself) will have the energy to keep up with all the young people coming in.
Cheers and Blessings All!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
diving in
Well, I have officially been here a day, and I must admit my entry day was pretty intense. I did get to sleep in a wee bit, so that was pleasant. This afternoon, though, I got to head down to the Steeple, which is where Hot Chocolate is located, and work this afternoon. Well, I guess I wouldn't really say work... more like get an introduction to what I've gotten myself into. But this has all been quite a quick intro for me. Today, I walked to the Steeple... by myself! That was quite an adventure. I got to take myself on a tour of Dundee and see what it looks like during my 20 minute walk. Overall, the people seem pretty nice here. And I've been told it's pretty relatively safe, so that should comfort anyone who might be a wee concerned. I will say my highlight of the journey was finding a tattoo shop that sold "American" tattooes. I'm not sure what the difference between an American tattoo and everyone else's is, but this shop has it. It was even called Yankee Tattooes. Pretty sweet. Maybe I should stop in and a get a big American eagle holding a flag across my back....... Or not.
Anywho, Hot Chocolate is looking to be pretty sweet. It's a very laid back sort of place and very interested in getting to know the students as who they are. And there's no pressure to beat them up and chastise them and force them to make changes. It's more of a building of relationship with them, and through that bringing change to their lives. For example, after a session (opening up of the facility for the day) the team meets and discusses what types of conversations we had, were there any problems, and what changes we have seen in people. I suppose I should describe a session for you all. What it is, as far as I know, is the facility is opened up for 12-21 year olds in the city. They can simply drop by any time they want. As they enter, there's a table where they can get a cup of hot chocolate made for them (thus the name). They can then head upstairs, where there is a room for chilling. It has tables, chairs, couches, phooseball, pool and guitars available for use. There's also a music room that they can use, but that's closed at the moment. But the kids end up gathering around and we can go in and talk with them and hang out. I must admit, I'm getting pretty excited for working here. The people and ministry seem great.
Today was a wee bit rough for me in that I didn't know anyone. They were all fine with me being there, but I'm not a part of their circle yet. They don't know me, so I wasn't really addressed all that much. But that's ok. I wasn't that talkative either. I did a lot of listening and trying to learn about stuff and the people. But over time I hope to get in a really engage the kids and become integrated into their circle. Fortunately, Exodus is starting soon. It's a 3 week period where we have sessions, lessons, art projects, music, hanging out, and trips taking place. It should be intense, but it sounds like it should be grand and hopefully I'll get to know a few peeps through it.
As for my living situation, I'm currently staying in the living room of one of the workers. It's only for a week though. I'm then moving in with some other volunteers for Exodus and staying with them during those 3 weeks. After that, there's a hope that I can move in with a guy in his flat. As of right now, though, it's only about a 90% sure thing. We aren't sure if he's really going to be in the flat. But if he does, I hear the rent should be cheaper than most places. So, that's encouraging. I'm praying that it works out.
So yeah... That's my life right now. I go to church tomorrow, which is exciting. And then Monday, my day off, I'm meeting up with Andy (one of the workers here) and he's taking me on a tour of the area. So, that should be exciting. I'm excited to see some of the area. I think I'm going to have to suck up my pride and look like a tourist for a bit so I can carry my camera around and get some pictures. This place looks pretty sweet. I mean, right next door is a high school for the city, and it, by description of the people I'm living with, looks like Hogwarts. That should makes sense to some of you... But it does look like an old castle type building. And it's their school! I wish I could have gone to school in a castle. That should be the next dorm style at Huntington... old English castle. I'm just sayin... And finally Tuesday, I dive full in to work here. Should be exciting.
Well, I realize this got a bit long for you, but I wanted to share. If you read this far, congrats to you. Thanks again all for your support and prayers! And please keep them coming. I covet them greatly. God is definitely moving here, and it's exciting to see. For now, I shall finish off with some prayer requests on my part.
-relationships to start and develop with the students (this is a... rougher... crowd than I'm use to, but it's good to be plucked out of my comfort zone. I just need God to help me connect into their world and to be able to speak into it.)
-housing, this flat thing in a month sounds great, but continue to pray that God places me right where I need to be
-finances, things are a bit more expensive here, so pray that God continues to be the provider of all my finacial needs
Thanks so much all for your love and support!
Cheers and Blessings!
Anywho, Hot Chocolate is looking to be pretty sweet. It's a very laid back sort of place and very interested in getting to know the students as who they are. And there's no pressure to beat them up and chastise them and force them to make changes. It's more of a building of relationship with them, and through that bringing change to their lives. For example, after a session (opening up of the facility for the day) the team meets and discusses what types of conversations we had, were there any problems, and what changes we have seen in people. I suppose I should describe a session for you all. What it is, as far as I know, is the facility is opened up for 12-21 year olds in the city. They can simply drop by any time they want. As they enter, there's a table where they can get a cup of hot chocolate made for them (thus the name). They can then head upstairs, where there is a room for chilling. It has tables, chairs, couches, phooseball, pool and guitars available for use. There's also a music room that they can use, but that's closed at the moment. But the kids end up gathering around and we can go in and talk with them and hang out. I must admit, I'm getting pretty excited for working here. The people and ministry seem great.
Today was a wee bit rough for me in that I didn't know anyone. They were all fine with me being there, but I'm not a part of their circle yet. They don't know me, so I wasn't really addressed all that much. But that's ok. I wasn't that talkative either. I did a lot of listening and trying to learn about stuff and the people. But over time I hope to get in a really engage the kids and become integrated into their circle. Fortunately, Exodus is starting soon. It's a 3 week period where we have sessions, lessons, art projects, music, hanging out, and trips taking place. It should be intense, but it sounds like it should be grand and hopefully I'll get to know a few peeps through it.
As for my living situation, I'm currently staying in the living room of one of the workers. It's only for a week though. I'm then moving in with some other volunteers for Exodus and staying with them during those 3 weeks. After that, there's a hope that I can move in with a guy in his flat. As of right now, though, it's only about a 90% sure thing. We aren't sure if he's really going to be in the flat. But if he does, I hear the rent should be cheaper than most places. So, that's encouraging. I'm praying that it works out.
So yeah... That's my life right now. I go to church tomorrow, which is exciting. And then Monday, my day off, I'm meeting up with Andy (one of the workers here) and he's taking me on a tour of the area. So, that should be exciting. I'm excited to see some of the area. I think I'm going to have to suck up my pride and look like a tourist for a bit so I can carry my camera around and get some pictures. This place looks pretty sweet. I mean, right next door is a high school for the city, and it, by description of the people I'm living with, looks like Hogwarts. That should makes sense to some of you... But it does look like an old castle type building. And it's their school! I wish I could have gone to school in a castle. That should be the next dorm style at Huntington... old English castle. I'm just sayin... And finally Tuesday, I dive full in to work here. Should be exciting.
Well, I realize this got a bit long for you, but I wanted to share. If you read this far, congrats to you. Thanks again all for your support and prayers! And please keep them coming. I covet them greatly. God is definitely moving here, and it's exciting to see. For now, I shall finish off with some prayer requests on my part.
-relationships to start and develop with the students (this is a... rougher... crowd than I'm use to, but it's good to be plucked out of my comfort zone. I just need God to help me connect into their world and to be able to speak into it.)
-housing, this flat thing in a month sounds great, but continue to pray that God places me right where I need to be
-finances, things are a bit more expensive here, so pray that God continues to be the provider of all my finacial needs
Thanks so much all for your love and support!
Cheers and Blessings!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
As I've sat and pondered about life this week, something has dawned on me recently. I am really going to Scotland. I'm really going to Scotland. It just hit me this past week that this is real. I'm going to be flying out in a week from now and spending 7 months in Scotland. And as this thought enters my wee little head, another quickly follows it up. What the heck have I gotten myself into?
Looking ahead, the only thing I can see is a murky fog. (Sorry, I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean tonight, so if you get a lot of sailing analogies, that's why.) But I honestly do feel like I'm setting sail into a fog. I've started to put some thought into what I will be doing with my life here soon, and the only answer I'm coming up with is that I don't know. I have no idea what it is that I'm going to be doing, who I will be working with or even what the place I'm setting foot in is like. OK, that sounds bleak. And it's not that bad. I do have names and I have a general idea of what it is I will be working on. But, honestly, there are a lot of unknowns. I don't know any of the people I will be working with. I don't know where I'm living once I get there. (Doesn't bother me too much. It sounds like I have a short-term place to stay and that we'll be looking for something more once I get there.) I don't know any specifics with what my day-to-day activities will look like. And there's the culture of students I will be working with. I've come to learn that the type of students I will be interacting with at Hot Chocolate are... not what I am used to in my everyday life. Many are in to music and skateboarding, among other areas. Sadly, these areas of interest are not exactly ones I have a great deal of experience in. I want to be able to connect with them, but my knee-jerk response is that I won't be able to. I don't know these areas of interest. When I boil a lot of these thoughts down, it comes out to one short phrase: I simply don't know. And this has started to get me a slight bit anxious with a week to go before I head out.
Yet, as I take pause to process all of these uncertainties, another conclusion is reached. I am going to be going into the midst of complete discomfort for me. I'm stepping out of what is normal and comfortable and.... known to me and instead stepping into the unknown. I don't see what I'm stepping on to, but I do know what I'm stepping out on: faith. This whole process has been a big exercise in faith for me. I've had to completely trust God throughout the whole thing. And He has brought it all together. Looking at that, I can't help but acknowledge that He has something in store for me over there in the midst of all these unknowns. He's bringing me there for a reason. I just have to keep stepping forward. I'll be the first to admit that this is not going to be pleasant at times. But then, growth isn't always the most comfortable thing to experience. I'll just have to take it in stride. I'll never clear the fog if I don't sail off into it.
So, with these things in mind, I humbly ask that you continue to lift me up in your prayers as I head out. To give you an idea, here's some specifics that are on my mind.
- Safety in travels. I leave on July 9th, and I have a lot of stops on the way over. Pray for safety on all of these and that I have no problems making all of the connections.
-Relationships: fellow workers. I'm going to be working with these people for the next 7 months. Pray that I can get along great with them and make some solid connections with these people. So far they have been really supportive and excited for me to come. Pray that I remain open, instant connections are made and I am able to mesh right in and work hard alongside the other workers.
-Relationships: students. I also ask that you lift up my relationships with the students. One of my bigger worries is how the connections with these students will go. I'm going to be the outsider... in many different ways. Pray that these barriers are cast down and that I will be able to connect with the youth in incredible ways. Along with that, pray that I will be outgoing and willing to connect with them. When in unfamiliar settings, I like to hang back instead of applying myself. Pray that I can overcome this characteristic.
-Housing. I don't know where I'm living. I'd prefer somewhere besides a cardboard box. Those get drafty. Pray that I can find a long-term place to call home and that it's not very expensive. That is my biggest estimated cost. If I can get in with someone or have a very low cost place to stay, that would be a big blessing for me.
-Along with that, finances. I have had responses from people for support for this trip, and I am incredibly grateful for what people have sacrificed for me. I still though have a decent amount of money I'd like to have for the trip. So far God has provided in this area, as in all the other areas. Pray that He continues this trend and that the resources I need present themselves.
-Finally, pray for God to move in Scotland. Pray that the Holy Spirit can be unleashed in the lives of the students and that they can come to know Him more. And include me with this. I so desire to be used by Him during this time. I want to hear His voice and go where He guides me. Pray that I will continue to remain open to what He has in store, no matter how uncomfortable and stretching it is.
So, that's that. I'm heading out in a week. That is a very insane thought. But it is also exciting. I look forward to seeing how God grows me in the coming months. Thank you all again for your support and prayers. I leave you with a small picture I drew to celebrate my upcoming travels. That, and Josh kept telling me I needed to put artwork on this blog. So, I hope you enjoy it.
Blessings and Cheers all!
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